Providing the 35,000+ refugees of Kabul Camp with medical care

The Bibi Rukhshana Family Clinic is a medical clinic located in the Rodaat district of Nangarhar, one of the most heavily impacted regions of war-torn Afghanistan. The clinic serves the people of Kabul Camp, mainly displaced Afghan families from nearby provinces and neighboring Pakistan as well as local families who were forced to flee their homes after being caught in the crossfire of war.

Prior to the opening of Bibi Rukhshana Family Clinic, there was no government or humanitarian assistance for the health care of these refugees who live in tents and mud homes.

Meet the refugees of Kabul Camp

Timeline + Impact

Bibi Rukhshana Family Clinic opened its doors to patients on November 25, 2020 in honor of Rukhshana Manely, an Afghan woman who immigrated from Kabul to Los Angeles in 1980 after the Soviet invasion

Staffed by a family medicine doctor proficient in caring for both children and adults, a midwife, and a nurse, they provide the only source of care for over 35,000 refugees. 70 percent of our patients are women and girls and in 2022, we treated 10,150 patients.

Through donor support, the clinic provides free medical services that include physical exams, vaccines, basic laboratory services, prenatal care, childbirth delivery, ultrasounds, and medical treatments, as well as life-saving medication like antibiotics

Support the Clinic

We hope to expand the capacity of our clinic which has been inundated with patients from the outside the Kabul Camp refugee population. Impoverished people from across the region walk several hours to access free medications and services at the clinic. We are dependent on donor support to maintain this essential clinic.

Rukhshana Manely’s Legacy

Rukhshana’s dream was to return to her homeland one day and help the poor people of her country. As her journey in this life was cut short, she was unable to complete those plans. We hope that these initiatives made in her name will give her spirit peace and happiness, knowing that her final wish has come true.